Windows 11 raspberry pi 4
Windows 11 raspberry pi 4

You will see a prompt telling you what IP address will be assigned to the ethernet port. Share this connection with the one that your Raspberry Pi will be using. Go to your internet connection adapter (WI-FI if your PC is wireless, or Ethernet if you have a second port), select properties and click on the sharing tab. My local IP is therefore, my address will start with. If you wish to share your internet connection with the Raspberry Pi, you will have to be little more strict with the IP selection. Set the TCP/IP to the same values (if not set automatically).Take a note what IP address will be assigned.Open connected to internet adapter properties.Putty client for Windows (Linux use the terminal, Mac users… well get a proper PC ! :)).A Raspberry Pi (Zero, Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3, If you have other versions do yourself a favor and buy a new one here!).A working PC duh! (internet connection is not required if you have all other things ready).Get all things ready to connect Raspberry Pi to laptop PC

windows 11 raspberry pi 4

Now, you have one! You will also share the internet connection if your computer has one available.

windows 11 raspberry pi 4

I spend way too much time trying to find a quick and simple guide online after messing up my card. I’m doing it on Windows 10, but I can’t think of a reason why it wouldn’t work on other systems.

windows 11 raspberry pi 4

Here is a simple guide on how to connect a headless (no display, no keyboard) Raspberry Pi to a laptop PC.

Windows 11 raspberry pi 4